Posted: March 22nd, 2009 | Author: perplitudine | Filed under: Literature, Split, Writing, _Fiction_ | Comments Off on Fiction workshop and my old bookshelf
[IT] Un blog multilingue. Scrollate finche’ non vi diventa intelligibile. Grazie.
[EN] A multilingual blog. Scroll until it becomes intelligible to you. Thanks.
[HR] Visejezicni blog. Scrollajte dok vam ne postane razumljiv. Hvala.
"Si ma, chi ti ha insegnato a raccontare storie? Le nonne?"
"No, perche’ ti fissi su questo? E’ facile raccontare una storia, dove sta il problema? Puoi cominciare qui e portare l’ascoltatore lontano, o cominciare da lontano e portarci qui."
"Still, who taught you to tell stories? Grandmothers?"
"No. Why are you so stuck on this? It’s easy to tell a story, what’s the big deal? You start right here and lead the listener far away, or start far away and get us here."
"Da ali, tko te naucio pricati price? Bake?"
"Ne. Zasto si zapeo za ovo? Lako je ispricati pricu, u cemu je problem? Pocnes ovdje i odvedes slusatelja daleko, ili pocnes iz daleka i dovedes nas ovdje."
[IT] Sto leggendo, online, un libro che avevo avvistato a Booksa ma poi mi sono distratta e non l’ho preso. E’ "Fiction writer’s workshop" di Josip Novakovich. Volevo condividere con voi quel passaggio, dal suo dialogo con un storyteller, Nenad. Nel capitolo sul dove trovare materiale per scrivere prosa, parla anche del infanzia, quindi ho pensato di accompagnare questo post con le foto delle copertine di alcuni libri che ho letto da piccola, presi dal mio scaffale alla casa dei genitori a Spalato (alcuni che sono importanti mancano, perche’ li ho persi ho portati con me a Milano). E intanto sto facendo anche fare esercizi di scrittura dal libro di Novakovich. (Seguite il collegamento "Continua" per piu’ copertine.)
[EN] I am reading, online, the book that I had seen in Booksa, but then I got distracted and didn’t buy it. It’s "Fiction writer’s workshop" by Josip Novakovich. I wanted to share that passage with you, his dialogue with a storyteller, Nenad. In the chapter on where to find materials to write prose from, he mentions childhood, so I thought I’d accompany this post with pictures of covers of some of the books I read when I was younger, from the shelf in my parents’ house in Split (some important ones are missing, because they are lost or I took them to Milan with me). And in the meantime I am also doing writing exercises from Novakovich’s book. (Click "Continua" per le altre copertine.)
[HR] Citam, na internetu, ovu knjigu koju sam vidjela u Booksi, ali onda mi je nesto odvuklo paznju pa je nisam kupila. To je "Fiction writer’s workshop" iltiga radionica pisanja fikcije, Josipa Novakovic(h)a. Htjela sam s vama podjeliti gore navedeni dio (oprostite na prijevod s engleskog koji vjerojatno ne lici na izvornu hrvatsku verziju), gdje autor prica sa Nenadom, storytellerom. U tom poglavlju gdje govori o pronalazenju materijala za pisanje proze spominje i djetinjstvo, pa mi je palo na pamet da popratim ovaj post slikama naslovnica nekih od knjiga koje sam procitala "kad sam bila mala", ravno za polica u stanu mojih roditelja (neke nedostaju jer sam ih ili pogubila ili odnijela sa sobom u Milano). A u medjuvremenu, radim i vjezbe pisanja iz Novakoviceve knjige. (Slijedite link "Continua" za ostale naslovnice.)
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Posted: January 6th, 2009 | Author: perplitudine | Filed under: Literature, Politics | Comments Off on Ink4Riot Gaza etc.
[IT] Un blog multilingue. Scrollate finche’ non vi diventa intelligibile. Grazie.
[EN] A multilingual blog. Scroll until it becomes intelligible to you. Thanks.
[HR] Visejezicni blog. Scrollajte dok vam ne postane razumljiv. Hvala.
"A dirlo ora mi sento cretino, ma io
pensavo che il checkpoint per entrare a Gaza era tipo una torretta e
una jeep, magari un tavolino e un po’ di soldati. Invece e’ una
costruzione enorme che pare la stazione Termini in mezzo al deserto e
in assetto da guerra.
Le parole sono di Zerocalcare (Ink4Riot). Io e’ da giorni che voglio scrivere qualcosa su Gaza ma non so cosa. Non so come. Come dire che la situazione mi inorridisce. Oggi ho trovato questo fumetto, dal quale e’ tratta anche la citazione che apre questo paragrafo (qui), non so quanto sia
recente, ma fa riflettere.
Per leggere il resto del testo e delle traduzioni, e vedere il fumetto, segui il collegamento "Continua."
"Now I feel like an idiot, to say such a
thing, but I thought that the checkpoint to enter Gaza was something
like a tower and e jeep, maybe a table and a few soldiers. But in
reality it is a huge building that looks like the Rome train station
Termini, in the middle of a desert, on a war footing.
Those words are by Zerocalcare (Ink4Riot). It’s been days since I’ve wanted to
write something about Gaza, but don’t know what. Don’t know how. To say that the situation horrifies me.
Today I found this comic from which I have taken the citation that opens this paragraph ( can be found here), I don’t know
how recent it is, but it makes one think. To read the rest of the text and the translations, and see the comic, click "Continua."
"Sad se osjećam kao kreten, reći nešto
takvo, ali ja sam mislio da je checkpoint za uci u Gazu nešto kao
toranj i dzip, mozda neki stolic i malo vojnika. A u stvari je jedna
ogromna gradjevina koja izgleda kao rimska željeznička stanica
Termini, usred pustinje, u ratnoj opremi.[…]"
Te rijeci su od Zerocalcare Ink4Riot. Ja danima zelim napisati nesto o
Gazi, ali ne znam sto. Ne znam kako. Da recem da me situacija uzasava. Danas sam
pronasla ovaj strip iz kojeg je i citat kojim pocinje ovaj pasus (strip je ovdje), ne znam koliko je skorasnji, ali da
Za procitati ostatak teksta i prijevode, i vidjeti strip, klikate "Continua."
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Posted: November 28th, 2008 | Author: perplitudine | Filed under: Literature | Comments Off on Upon All The Living And The Dead
[IT] Un blog multilingue. Scrollate finche’ non vi diventa intelligibile. Grazie.
[EN] A multilingual blog. Scroll until it becomes intelligible to you. Thanks.
[HR] Visejezicni blog. Scrollajte dok vam ne postane razumljiv. Hvala.

A few light taps upon the pane made him turn to the window. It had begun to
snow again. He watched sleepily the flakes, silver and dark, falling obliquely
against the lamplight. The time had come for him to set out on his journey westward.
Yes, the newspapers were right: snow was general all over Ireland. It was falling
on every part of the dark central plain, on the treeless hills, falling softly
upon the Bog of Allen and, farther westward, softly falling into the dark mutinous
Shannon waves. It was falling, too, upon every part of the lonely churchyard
on the hill where Michael Furey lay buried. It lay thickly drifted on the crooked
crosses and headstones, on the spears of the little gate, on the barren thorns.
His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe
and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living
and the dead.
James Joyce, The Dead, from The Dubliners, 1914
copied from the Project Gutenberg edition
[it.wikipedia, en.wikipedia , online > Project Gutenberg, search on (w| audio)]
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